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September 01, 2021
A month of smoke forecasts from GSL's FV3-Chem model
GSL's visualization expert created this video of wildfire smoke forecasts from July 8-August 9, 2021 from GSL's experimental FV3-Chem model. This shows the broad reach of smoke as it is carried by the wind across the world.

August 27, 2021
GSL receives 2021 National Weather Association aviation award for HRRR
Each day, NOAA’s Weather Forecast Offices provide almost 600 airports with close to 2,500 aviation weather forecasts and about 1,300 inflight forecasts. GSL’s Assimilation and Verification Innovation Division is honored by the National Weather Association (NWA) for developing and delivering the first convection-allowing hourly-updated weather mo...

July 16, 2021
Threats-In-Motion “Shakedown” testing in preparation for larger eval in the fall
GSL researchers have been working with NWS forecasters on shakedown tests of “Threats-In-Motion” (TIM), a warning dissemination approach that would enable NWS to enhance severe thunderstorm and tornado warnings. TIM will be tested this Summer in the NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed. Testing will be done by 6 NWS forecasters (8, counting shakedown ...

July 16, 2021
GSL has prototyped the Rapid Refresh Forecast System on the Cloud
A team of CIRES Software Engineers at NOAA GSL has prototyped the Rapid Refresh Forecast System on the Cloud. This work was in close collaboration with NOAA Environmental Modeling Center (EMC) on a FY19 Disaster Supplemental project. The first configuration tested was a forecast ensemble capability in real time as a part of NOAA's Hazardous Weat...

July 16, 2021
July 27-29: GSL will host Hazard Services 2021 Functional Assessment Test
GSL researchers will host their fourth virtual Functional Assessment Test (FAT), evaluating next-generation Hazard Services capabilities. Hazard Services will modernize how the National Weather Service’s WFOs and National Centers create forecasts, watches, and warnings and consolidate these efforts into a single highly-customizable software syst...

June 28, 2021
National Science Foundation Awards Education Research Using SOS Explorer® Mobile
Beginning in July 2021, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) at the University of Colorado Boulder within in the Global Systems Laboratory (GSL) will begin a four-year project “Building Insights through Observation: Researching Arts-Based Methods for Teaching and Learning with Data” funded by the National Science ...