Past 10 Years of Excellence at GSL...
Last 10 years






Last 10 years
Awards by name |
2004, 2018, 2023 AMS Fellow
2010 CIRES Bronze Medal
2010, 2013, 2015, 2016 CIRA Research and Service Initiative Award
2010, 2015, 2020, 2021, 2022 Department of Commerce Bronze Medal
The Department of Commerce Bronze Medal is the third of three honor awards of the United States Department of Commerce.
2011, 2014, 2015, 2021 NOAA Administrator's Award
The NOAA Administrator's Award recognizes employees who have demonstrated exceptional leadership, skill, and ingenuity in their significant and innovative contributions that bring unusual credit to NOAA, the Department of Commerce, and the Federal Government as a whole.
2011, 2015 CIRES Outstanding Performance Award (Service Category)
2011, 2016, 2017, 2021 OAR Outstanding Scientific Publication Award
The Outstanding Scientific Paper Awards were established to recognize the NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR) Federal employees, and Cooperative Institute (CI) scientists associated with OAR who published outstanding scientific peer-reviewed research papers, review papers, books, monographs, and chapters of books that have contributed to or contain the results of research sponsored by OAR.
2012 Australia's Bureau of Meteorology
Comcover Awards for Excellence
2012 CIRA Research Initiative (Team) Award
2012 CIRES Employees of the Year
2012 Early Career Scientist Initiative Award (EUMETSAT)
European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological
2012, 2018, 2022 CIRA Research Initiative Award
2012, 2020, 2021 CIRA Exceptional Service Award
2013, 2014 CIRES Outstanding Performance Award in Science and Engineering
2013, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2021 CIRES Outstanding Performance Award
The CIRES Outstanding Performance Awards are targeted at projects that are novel, high impact and show remarkable creativity or resourcefulness.
2014 UVIG Achievement Award
The Utility Variable-Generation Integration Group (UVIG), previously known as the Utility Wind Integration Group (UWIG), was established in 1989 to provide a forum for the critical analysis of wind for utility applications. UVIG expanded its focus to include solar power and became known as the Utility Variable-Generation Integration Group in 2011. Today, UVIG is the leading source of global expertise for wind and solar power system integration and operation.
2014, 2021 NOAA Distinguished Career Awards for Professional Achievement
2015 AMS Outstanding Leadership Award
2015 CFC Silver Star Awards
2015 CIRES Bronze Medal for Superior Performance
2015 Department of Commerce Gold Medal
Gold Medal is defined as distinguished performance characterized by extraordinary, notable, or prestigious contributions that impact the mission of the Department or one operating unit and which reflect favorably on the Department. It is the highest honorary award granted by the Secretary of Commerce.
2015 National Weather Association Larry R. Johnson
This award is presented to an individual or a group to recognize unique events or extraordinary accomplishments, which significantly contributed to operational meteorology.
2015 U.S. THORPEX Certificate of Recognition
U.S. THORPEX Executive Committee for international leadership and multifaceted research contributions to US participation in the World Meteorological Organization’s THORPEX Weather Research Program.
2015 Utility Variable-Generation Integration Group (UVIG) Achievement Award
The Utility Variable-Generation Integration Group (UVIG), previously known as the Utility Wind Integration Group (UWIG), was established in 1989 to provide a forum for the critical analysis of wind for utility applications. UVIG expanded its focus to include solar power and became known as the Utility Variable-Generation Integration Group in 2011. Today, UVIG is the leading source of global expertise for wind and solar power system integration and operation.
2016 Editor's Citation for Excellence in Refereeing for Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres
2016 Haagen-Smit Prize
The “Haagen-Smit Prize” is given annually to a maximum of two papers published in Atmospheric Environment and covering different science areas.
2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 NOAA Silver Sherman
The Silver Sherman Award recognizes NOAA employees who perform work above their normal requirements to help fulfill NOAA’s mission, achieve a milestone that contributes significantly or critically toward a particular program goal, or demonstrate leadership toward process improvement of a significant magnitude. It is awarded on an ad hoc basis by each member of the NOAA Senior Executive Service once a year.
2016, 2021 NOAA Research Employee of the Year
The purpose of the Employee of the Year (EOY) awards is to recognize OAR employees who have made outstanding contributions to the promotion of excellence in the operations or programs of OAR. The award can be granted to an individual or team whose contributions have had significant positive impact on the organization over the last calendar year.
2017 AGU Editor’s Citation for Excellence in Refereeing for Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres
This award is from AGU to those whose manuscript reviews for the journal have been notably commendable.
2017 AMS Artificial Intelligence Conference Student Poster Honorable Mention
2017 AMS Editors Award
The Editor's Award is given to an individual for outstanding service to the journals, the Glossary of Meteorology, and the Meteorological Monographs.
2017 AMS Kenneth C. Spengler Award
Spengler Award is presented to an individual, team, or organization whose efforts have contributed to the growth of the weather, water, and climate enterprise while materially fostering a sense of community and creating synergistic linkages among the public, private, and academic sectors, as well as the user community.
2017 CO-LABS Governor’s Award for High Impact Research Honorable Mention
CO-LABS has convened a special committee of academic researchers, technology transfer experts and science and engineering professionals to review nominations from Colorado’s labs. Through a thoughtful and thorough process this group selects projects that have had a significant global, national or state impact resulting from a scientific breakthrough, change in public policy or development of a new technology.
2017 NCAR Scientific and Technical Advancement Award
2017 NOAA Technology Transfer Award
Each year, NOAA's Technology Partnerships Committee selects individual projects as the best examples of technology transfer from across all NOAA's Line Offices.
2017 Utility Variable-Generation Integration Group (UVIG)Annual Achievement Award
The Utility Variable-Generation Integration Group (UVIG), previously known as the Utility Wind Integration Group (UWIG), was established in 1989 to provide a forum for the critical analysis of wind for utility applications. UVIG expanded its focus to include solar power and became known as the Utility Variable-Generation Integration Group in 2011. Today, UVIG is the leading source of global expertise for wind and solar power system integration and operation.
2018 Certificate of Appreciation from the Commission for Atmospheric Sciences of the World Meteorological Organization
2018 Certificate of Appreciation from the Korean Meteorological Agency
2018 CIRES Technology Transfer Award
2018 FLC Far West Region Award for Outstanding Partnership
The Outstanding Partnership Award can be given to any entity that has been germane in a successful partnership working with federal laboratories and technology transfer in the region.
2019 Appreciation of Outstanding Service
2019 Charles L. Hosler Alumni Scholar Medal
The Charles L. Hosler Alumni Scholar Medal was established in 1992 to recognize the achievements of alumni who have made outstanding contributions to the development of science through research, teaching, or administrative leadership with emphasis given to those who have earned doctoral degrees. Previous award winners are listed below.
2019 Joint Polar Satellite System Esprit De Corps Award
2020 American Meteorological Society Charles L. Mitchell
The Charles L. Mitchell Award is given in recognition of long-term service by individuals engaged in weather forecasting activities.
2020 CIRES Award
2020 Colorado State University Department of Atmospheric Science Outstanding Alum Award
Recipients of our Outstanding Alum Award are former students who, by their distinguished careers and service to the college, university, state, nation or world, have brought honor to the department, the Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering, Colorado State University and themselves.
2020 Congratulatory Letter from Craig McLean
2020 Impact Award from the Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer
2020 National Weather Service Isaac Cline Award
The Isaac M. Cline Award is presented to individuals and teams who have made significant contributions in support of the National Weather Service. The award is named in honor of Isaac M. Cline, one of the most recognized employees in National Weather Service history.
2020 NOAA Bronze Medal - Jeff VanBuskirk
2021 Leadership Challenge Coin from FedWriters
2021 Letter of Commendation from Tim Gallaudet, Ph.D., Rear Admiral U.S. Navy (Ret.), Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere/Deputy NOAA Administrator
2021 National Weather Association Aviation Meteorology Award
This award is presented to an individual or group to recognize significant contributions to aviation meteorology, such as impact of operational forecasts on aviation operations or advances in aviation meteorology including research in detection and forecasting of aviation hazards.
2022 CIRA Research Initiative Award
2022 CO-Labs Governor’s Award for High Impact Research for Pathfinding Partnerships
2022 NOAA OAR Employees of the Year and Month
2023 AMS Cleveland Abbe Award for Distinguished Service to Atmospheric Science
2023 AMS Francis W. Reichelderfer Award
2023 Department of Commerce Gold Medal
The Gold and Silver Medals are the highest and second highest honor granted by the Secretary for distinguished and exceptional performance.
2023 NOAA GSL and CIRES Performance Recognition for Outstanding DTC achievements (PROUD) Award
AMS Weather Analysis and Forecasting Committee Early Career Award
CIRES Gold Medal Award
Colorado Governor’s Award for High Impact Research
The annual Governor's Awards for High-Impact Research celebrates the brilliant groundbreaking discoveries and innovative research from Colorado's ecosystem of federally-funded laboratories and institutions.
Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) Gold Award
Department of Commerce - Scientific and Engineering Achievement
Department of Commerce Silver Medal
The Department of Commerce Silver Medal is defined as exceptional performance characterized by noteworthy or superlative contributions which have a direct and lasting impact within the Department. It is the second highest award granted by the Secretary of Commerce.
Energy Systems Integration Group LifeTime Excellence Award
ESIG awards recognize energy professionals worldwide for their contributions and accomplishments toward the planning and operation of energy systems across multiple pathways and geographical scales in reliable, economical, and sustainable ways.
NOAA Bronze Medal
Bronze Medals recognize federal employees for superior performance and are the highest honor that can be granted by the Under Secretary for Oceans and Atmosphere.
NOAA Employee of the Month
NOAA Research (OAR) Awards