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Hurricane Helene tests Hazard Services
Several NOAA National Weather Service Forecast Offices (NWS WFOs), including Charleston, SC (CHS) have been testing the latest version of Hazard Services for convective operations. The WFO issued 39 tornado warnings, 28 special marine warnings for waterspouts, and dozens of followup statements during Hurricane Helene. “We were really pleased with...
Winter and non-precip weather hazard functions go live
On October 1, 2024 Hazard Services winter weather and non-precipitation hazard functions went live in all NOAA National Weather Service Forecast Offices across the nation. GSL leads the development of Hazard Services, a multi-year, multi-phase, multi-partner effort to streamline the process to create a hazardous weather watch, warning, or advisory...
Tenth Anniversary of the HRRR in Operations
From its inception as an experiment to improve forecasts for aviation, GSL is thrilled to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the pioneering High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) weather model’s transition to NOAA National Weather Service (NWS) operations. Since September 30, 2014, GSL has delivered four major upgrades to the HRRR model,...