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May 19, 2022
Experimental forecast of dust from the Sahara Desert
The coupled global weather and chemistry research model, dubbed FV3-Chem, produces seven-day forecasts for a host of air quality impacts, including where dust will deliver hazy days and colorful sunsets, as well as potential breathing problems and other respiratory issues for sensitive populations. This video shows a forecast of dust from the Sa...

May 19, 2022
NOAA wind forecasts result in $150 million in energy savings every year
As electricity providers increasingly add renewable energy to their portfolio, a new study shows that more accurate wind forecasts generated by a NOAA weather model is saving the utilities, and hence the consumers, big money. While wind is abundant, it is also intermittent. Utilities need accurate wind forecasts in order to gauge electricity pro...

April 18, 2022
GSL innovations selected for new forecast model prototype
By Michael Toy, Shan Sun, Ning Wang, and Ligia BernardetNew versions of the Global Forecast System (GFS) and Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) will be implemented in operations at the National Weather Service (NWS) in 2024. The GFS and GEFS are numerical weather prediction models widely used by forecasters in the NWS and private companies t...

April 14, 2022
April 18-19 GSL Website Offline
The GSL Website will be offline beginning the afternoon of April 18. We hope to be back up later on April 19.

March 24, 2022
The History and Practice of AI in the Environmental Sciences
The History and Practice of AI in the Environmental Sciences - published in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological SocietyAuthors: Sue Ellen Haupt, David John Gagne, William W. Hsieh, Vladimir Krasnopolsky, Amy McGovern, Caren Marzban, William Moninger, Valliappa Lakshmanan, Philippe Tisso, and John K. WilliamsPartially retired GSL research...

March 07, 2022
GSL hands off a major MADIS release for 30 Sept 2022 deployment
GSL’s Meteorological Assimilation and Data Ingest System (MADIS) team handed off MADIS version 4.0 code to NCEP Central Operations on January 29, 2022, with operational deployment scheduled for 30 September 2022. Major additions include running on the latest versions of Operating System (OS) and Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) software, the abi...