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October 01, 2020
GEFS-Aerosols transitioned into operations
The Global Ensemble Forecast System - Aerosols (GEFS-Aerosols) was transitioned to operations on September 23, 2020. GEFS-Aerosols is an atmospheric composition model that integrates weather and air quality using the Finite Volume Cubed Sphere (FV3) core. The Global Systems Laboratory (GSL) led the project, with contributions from the Chemical S...

October 01, 2020
GSL's Tom LeFebvre receives Isaac Cline Award from the National Hurricane Center
The National Hurricane Center has given GSL’s Tom LeFebvre the local Isaac M. Cline award for his work on the High-Seas Forecast package that includes a set of tools that forecasters use to define the wind, waves, and weather in gridded form over the High Seas Area of Responsibility. Then the High Seas formatter samples those grids and formats t...

September 28, 2020
On the limits of tropical cyclone track prediction
September 28, 2020 - Recent research shows the range of skillful tropical cyclone track forecasts is expected to be extended by a day per decade in the future. The study, by scientists Feifan Zhou from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Zoltan Toth from NOAA’s Global Systems Laboratory, was published in the Bulletin of the American Meteorologic...

September 10, 2020
GSL’s SOS team offers new educational tours on SOS Explorer™ mobile app
The Global Systems Laboratory’s (GSL) Science On a Sphere® (SOS) team has launched educational tours on its free mobile app - SOS Explorer™ (SOSx) including post-tour exercises for students. You can find the tours here: On a Sphere Explorer™ datasets can be quite complex. Tours guide users throu...

August 26, 2020
When smoke is in the air, all eyes turn to this NOAA weather model
With smoke from western wildfires poised to spread from coast to coast this week, people will be looking to a NOAA smoke model for guidance on everything from how it might impact their area, to the weather, to scheduling school recesses. The High Resolution Rapid Refresh-Smoke model may still be experimental, but many depend on it already, said...

August 18, 2020
GSL Staff honored with 2020 NOAA Silver Sherman Awards
Two GSL staff were honored with a NOAA Silver Sherman Award. The Silver Sherman is awarded on an ad hoc basis by each member of the NOAA Leadership. It recognizes an individual who has performed work above his or her normal requirements, achieved a milestone that contributed significantly toward the attainment of a particular program goal, or de...