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June 08, 2020
Hazard Services Functional Forecaster Assessment Test
GSL researchers will virtually host more than a dozen participants for a Functional Assessment Test of new Hazard Services capabilities. Hazard Services will modernize how the National Weather Service (NWS) and National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) create forecasts, watches, and warnings. The system provides a pathway to operation...

May 20, 2020
2020 NOAA Bronze Medal - Jeff VanBuskirk
GSL’s Jeff VanBuskirk has been awarded a NOAA Bronze Medal “For identifying and implementing innovative data center upgrades to increase efficiency and resiliency for Research Supercomputing in NOAA.” The NOAA Bronze Medal is awarded for superior performance characterized by outstanding or significant contributions that have increased the effici...

May 07, 2020
GSL Hilary Peddicord, Beth Wehe, and Jonathan Joyce win CIRES Outstanding Performance Awards
CIRES announced the 2020 winners of their CIRES Outstanding Performance Awards targeted to honor projects that are novel, high impact, and show remarkable creativity or resourcefulness. GSL researchers won two awards in the “Service” category -- projects that are successful because of the utility they have within the community.GSL/CIRES research...

April 06, 2020
GSL and NCAR Scientists Mark 30 years of Daily Weather Observations in Boulder
On March 31, 2020, GSD’s John Brown and NCAR’s Matt Kelsch will mark 30 years of daily weather observations taken at the Boulder NWS Cooperative Observation Program (COOP) site at the Department of Commerce campus. The minimum length of time to establish a “climatology” for a site is 30 years.Boulder had a long stretch of inconsistent weather ob...

March 24, 2020
The Common Community Physics Package Unites the Modeling Community
GSD and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) through the Developmental Testbed Center (DTC) announced upgraded tools for the modeling community to experiment with and advance physical parameterizations for numerical weather prediction. The Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) v4.0.0, along with the CCPP Single Column Model (SCM...

March 24, 2020
GSD Team Helps Support the First UFS Release
A GSD team had a significant role in the first public release of the user-friendly Unified Forecast System (UFS) Medium-Range Weather Application on March 11. This accomplishment took outstanding dedication and cross-agency collaboration. We congratulate the team that has been on the front lines of this work:GSD: Ligia Bernardet, Curtis Alexande...