GSL models will be evaluated in the 2020 Flash Flood and Intense Rainfall experiment

June 15: GSL will demonstrate model advances in the 4-week Flash Flood and Intense Rainfall (FFaIR) experiment hosted by the Weather Prediction Center Hydrometeorology Testbed. The experiment brings together researchers and forecasters from across the meteorological community to work towards the common goal to enhance forecasting skill related to flash flooding and intense rainfall events.
The focus of the FFaIR experiment will be to evaluate the usefulness of operational and experimental products from high-resolution deterministic and ensemble models to increase forecast skill during the meteorological Day 1 timeframe. GSL will demonstrate the High-Resolution Rapid Refresh, the High-Resolution Rapid Refresh-Ensemble, and the FV3-GSL-Stand Alone Regional weather models. These and other models will be evaluated in a semi-operational environment through mid-July.