GSL's Tom LeFebvre receives Isaac Cline Award from the National Hurricane Center

The National Hurricane Center has given GSL’s Tom LeFebvre the local Isaac M. Cline award for his work on the High-Seas Forecast package that includes a set of tools that forecasters use to define the wind, waves, and weather in gridded form over the High Seas Area of Responsibility. Then the High Seas formatter samples those grids and formats the text product, thus saving forecasters valuable time. This text product is very complex, particularly when tropical cyclones are active, and it typically takes a forecaster two hours or more to generate by hand. These forecasts are used by mariners so they can avoid hazardous conditions while navigating their ships across the high seas.
Tom’s work was an operational proof of concept that will feed GSL’s Hazard Services design and development for both the Tropical Prediction Center and the Ocean Prediction Center, who will be using the same software to generate these forecasts.
Congratulations Tom!