Raffaele Montuoro
5830 University Research Ct
College Park, MD 20740
Raffaele has been leading design and software development efforts aimed at building NOAA’s next-generation operational forecasting systems for atmospheric chemistry, air quality, and space weather. He is one of the key contributors to the implementation of GEFS-Aerosols.
Rooted in quantum chemistry, Raffaele’s background bridges computational sciences and high performance computing. In addition to basic research in air-sea interaction and photoionization processes, his work has contributed to the development of coupled climate and weather forecasting models as well as software infrastructure for model coupling and interoperability (ESMF, NUOPC, MAPL). He has also collaborated with industry to create a prototype of an impact-based decision-support system based on real-time, three-dimensional visualization and computational steering of a high-resolution, ocean-atmosphere coupled forecasting model for oil spill mitigation.
He serves as co-chair of the Content Standard Committee within the Interagency Council on Advancing Meteorological Services and represents air quality applications on the UFS System Architecture & Infrastructure Cross-Cutting Team.
Rooted in quantum chemistry, Raffaele’s background bridges computational sciences and high performance computing. In addition to basic research in air-sea interaction and photoionization processes, his work has contributed to the development of coupled climate and weather forecasting models as well as software infrastructure for model coupling and interoperability (ESMF, NUOPC, MAPL). He has also collaborated with industry to create a prototype of an impact-based decision-support system based on real-time, three-dimensional visualization and computational steering of a high-resolution, ocean-atmosphere coupled forecasting model for oil spill mitigation.
He serves as co-chair of the Content Standard Committee within the Interagency Council on Advancing Meteorological Services and represents air quality applications on the UFS System Architecture & Infrastructure Cross-Cutting Team.
Research Interests:
- Atmospheric chemistry: aerosol and air quality forecasting
- Aerosol-radiation interaction and radiative feedback
- Coupled modeling and coupling infrastructure development
- Space weather forecasting
- Development of standards to improve model accuracy and interoperability
- Ph.D., Chemistry, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy, 2003
- Diploma di Licenza, Chemistry (competitive 5-year undergraduate program), Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy, 1997
- Laurea (5-year B.S.), Chemistry, University of Pisa, Italy, 1996
Selected Publications
- Ma, X., Chang, P., Saravanan, R., Montuoro, R., Nakamura, H., Wu, D., Lin, X., and Wu, L. (2017), Importance of Resolving Kuroshio Front and Eddy Influence in Simulating the North Pacific Storm Track. J. Clim., 30 (5), 1861-1880. doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-6-0154.1
- Ma, X., Jing, Z., Chang, P., Liu, X., Montuoro, R., Small, R.J., Bryan, F.O., Greatbatch, R.J., Brandt, P., Wu, D., Lin, X., and Wu, L. (2016), Western boundary currents regulated by interaction between ocean eddies and the atmosphere. Nature, 535, 533-537. doi: 10.1038/nature18640
- Ma, X., Chang, P., Saravanan, R., Montuoro, R., Hsieh, J.-S., Wu, D., Lin, X., Wu, L., and Jing, Z. (2015), Distant Influence of Kuroshio Eddies on North Pacific Weather Patterns?. Sci. Rep., 5 (17785). doi: 10.1038/srep17785
- Lucchese, R.R., Montuoro, R., Kotsis, K., Tashiro, M., Ehara, M., Bozek, J.D., Das, A., Landry, A., Rathbone, J., and Poliakoff, E.D. (2010), The effect of vibrational motion on the dynamics of shape resonant photoionization of BF3 leading to the E2A1’ state of BF3+, Molec. Phys., 108, 1055-1067. doi: 10.1080/00268971003641866
- Lucchese, R.R., Montuoro, R., Grum-Grzhimailo, A.N., Liu, X.-J., Prumper, G., Morishita, Y., Saito, N., and Ueda, K. (2007), Projection methods for the analysis of molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions: I: Minimal parameterizations in the dipole limit. J Electron Spectros. Relat. Phenomena, 155 (1-3), 95-99. doi: 10.1016/j.elspec.2006.10.015
- Montuoro, R., Lucchese, R.R., Bozek, J.D., Das, A., and Poliakoff, E.D. (2007), Quasibound continuum states in SiF4 D 2A1 photoionization: Photoelectron-vibrational coupling, J. Chem. Phys., 126 (244309). doi: 10.1063/1.2743430
- Li, W., R. Montuoro, J.C. Houver, L. Journel, A. Haouas, M. Simons, R.R. Lucchese, and D. Dowek (2007), Photoemission in the NO molecular frame induced by soft X-ray elliptical polarized light above the N(1s)-1 and O(1s)-1 ionization thresholds, Phys. Rev. A, 75, 052718. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.75.052718