Monday, 2 November 2015
- Ice Breaker
Day 1: Tuesday, 3 November 2015
- Breakfast (closed) at the Homewood Suites for OAR DAA Steve Fine, and Review Panel
Transportation to ESRL (Review Panel meet Phyllis in lobby and caravan to ESRL; Observers carpool from hotel lobbies)
Please allow sufficient time for security/badging for non-NOAA attendees
Welcome (GC402)
- Check-in begins
- Meeting Overview and Logistics — Jennifer Mahoney (Deputy Director GSD)
- Welcome and Charge to Reviewers – Craig McLean (Assistant Administrator, OAR)
- Overview of NOAA and OAR Research Planning and Funding; Introduction of Review Panel – Steve Fine (Deputy Assistant Administrator, NOAA OAR)
- ESRL Organization Overview, Research at ESRL – Alexander E. MacDonald (Director, NOAA ESRL)
- Overview of ESRL GSD – Kevin Kelleher (Director GSD)
- Break (15 min) – Light Refreshments (Check-in for Reviewers)
Theme 1: Numerical Weather Prediction: Regional Models (GB144)
- Opening: Numerical Weather Prediction: Mission and Grand Challenges (Stan Benjamin)
Session 1
- Modeling Challenge #1 - Toward Storm-scale Ensemble Data Assimilation and Prediction (Steve Weygandt)
H RRR Overview – R2O to NWS and Application to Severe Weather (Curtis Alexander)
E-Poster Display-1 -
Radar Assimilation for HRRR (David Dowell)
E-Poster Display-2 -
Land-surface Cycling for Better Hydrometeorology (Tanya Smirnova video)
E-Poster Display-3 -
Energy Applications and Design for RAP/HRRR (Joe Olson video)
E-Poster Display-4 -
HRRR/RAP - Mitigating Aviation Hazards for Safety and Efficiency (Jaymes Kenyon video)
E-Poster Display-5 -
Probabilistic Forecasting at Regional Scales (Isidora Jankov video)
E-Poster Display-6 - Clarifying Discussion (10 min)
- Poster Session (30 min)
- Session discussion (10 min)
Lunch Provided (All Attendees; GB124)
(Working lunch Review Panel and Federal Scientists: GB144)
Theme 1: Numerical Weather Prediction: Global Models (GC402)
Session 2
Modeling Challenge #2 – Toward Earth System Modeling FIM Atmospheric Global Model for Medium-range Forecast Applications (Stan Benjamin video)
E-Poster Display-1 -
Impact of Composition and Chemistry on Weather Forecasting (Georg Grell video)
E-Poster Display-2 -
Coupled Atmospheric-Ocean Earth System Modeling for Sub-seasonal Prediction (Shan Sun video)
E-Poster Display-3 -
Development of Non-hydrostatic Global Models – NIM (Jin Lee video)
E-Poster Display-4 -
High-performance Software Engineering (Tom Henderson video)
E-Poster Display-5 -
Physics for Global Non-hydrostatic Applications (John Brown)
E-Poster Display-6 - Clarifying Discussion (10 min)
- Poster Session (30 min)
- Session discussion (10 min)
Tour of GSD Computing Facility (Reviewers only)
Science on a Sphere (SOS) Demonstration (All Others) - Break (20 min) — Light Refreshments
Theme 1: Numerical Weather Prediction: Cross-Cutting Activities (GC402)
Session 3
- NWP: GSD’s Path Forward (Tim Schneider video)
Developmental Testbed Center (DTC) – (Ligia Bernardet video)
E-Poster Display-1 -
Global Observing Systems Analysis – (Lidia Cucurull video)
E-Poster Display-2 -
Improving Winter Storm Forecasts with Dropsonde Data – (Jason English video)
E-Poster Display-3 -
Renewable Energy Program (Melinda Marquis video)
E-Poster Display-4 - Clarifying Discussion (10 min)
- Poster Session (30 min)
- Discussion and Wrap-up - Stan Benjamin (20 min)
- Adjourn (Day 1) Observers finished for the day and dinner on your own
- Review Panel (Closed) (GB144)
- Dinner
Day 2: Wednesday, 4 November 2015
- Breakfast on your own
- Transportation to ESRL (Review Panel meet Phyllis in lobby and caravan to ESRL; All others carpool from hotel lobbies)
Theme 2: Decision Support: A busy day at forecast offices (GC402)
Session 4
- Opening Talk:A Busy Day at Forecast Offices (Mike Kraus video)
Ensemble Forecasts and Uncertainty (Paul Schultz video)
E-Poster Display-1 -
Forecast Monitoring and Short Term Updates (Kevin Manross video)
E-Poster Display-2 -
Tropical Hazards (Tom LeFebvre video)
E-Poster Display-4 -
Unified and Consistent Hazardous Weather Forecasts (Tracy Hansen video)
E-Poster Display-3 -
Sharing the Wealth: Forecaster Tools for Our Partners (Joe Wakefield video)
E-Poster Display-5 - Clarifying Discussion (10 min)
- Poster Session (30 min)
- Session Discussion (10 min)
- Break (30 min) – Light Refreshments
Theme 2: Decision Support for Aviation (GC402)
Session 5
- Opening Talk: Decision Support and Evaluation for Aviation (Mike Kraus video)
Aviation Forecasting with AWIPS (Woody Roberts video)
E-Poster Display-1 -
Impact-based Decision Support for Aviation (Brian Etherton video)
E-Poster Display-2 -
Verification Tools for Aviation Weather (Missy Petty video)
E-Poster Display-3 -
Investigation of Truth Sets for Verification (Laura Paulik video)
E-Poster Display-4 -
Assessment of Aviation Algorithms and Forecast Technologies (Matt Wandishin video)
E-Poster Display-5 - Clarifying Discussion (10 min)
- Poster Session (30 min)
- Discussion and Wrap-up - Mike Kraus (15 min)
Lunch Provided (All Attendees; GB124)
Review Panel and Cooperative Institute GSD Scientists meeting (GB144)
Theme 3: Advanced Technologies (GC402)
Session 6
- Opening Talk: Advanced Technology (John Schneider video)
The NOAA Earth Information System (NEIS) Data Discovery, Collection, and Distribution (Jebb Stewart video)
E-Poster Display-1 -
Advanced Visualization Development using Gaming Technology (Eric Hackathorn video)
E-Poster Display-2 -
Massively Parallel Fine Grain (MPFG) Computing (Mark Govett video)
E-Poster Display-3 -
Specialized Information and Warning Systems (Greg Pratt video)
E-Poster Display-4 -
Science on a Sphere (SOS): Technical Innovation and Network Growth (Keith Searight - video and Shilpi Gupta - video)
E-Poster Display-5 and E-Poster Display-6 - Clarifying Discussion (10 min)
- Poster Session (30 min)
- Session Discussion (10 min)
SOS Demonstration (Reviewers Only)
Concurrent Sessions: Tour of Computing Facility (All Others)
- Break (15 min) – Light Refreshments
Theme 3: Advanced Technologies (GC402)
Session 7
- Opening Talk:Outreach and Research to Operations (John Schneider video)
MADIS Innovations and the Path to Operations (Gopa Padmanabhan video and Leon Benjamin video)
E-Poster Display-1 and E-Poster Display-2 -
NOAA’sInternational Collaboration with Taiwan (Fanthune Moeng video)
E-Poster Display-3 -
Global Visualization using NOAA’s Terraviz (Beth Russell and Jeff Smith video)
E-Poster Display-4 and E-Poster Display-5 - Clarifying Discussion (10 min)
- Poster Session (30 min)
- Discussion and Wrap-up - John Schneider (15 min)
- Adjourn (Day 2)
- Dinner
Day 3: Thursday, 5 November 2015
- Breakfast on your own
- Transportation to ESRL (Review Panel meet Phyllis in lobby and caravan to ESRL)
Stakeholder Sessions
- Preparation for Concurrent Closed Sessions with Review Panel
Session 1 (GB124)
- Steve Abelman (Phone)
- Brian Gross (Phone)
- Chris Davis (Phone)
- Fred Toepfer (Phone)
Concurrent: Session 2 (GB124)
- Dave Michaud
- Jason Chasse
- Hendrick Tolman
- Tom Auligne
- Louisa Nance
- Break (25 min) — light refreshments
Review Panel Summary, Wrap-up, and Discussion (GC402)
- Brief Wrap-up, Question, and Answer Session (Kevin Kelleher and GSD Senior Leadership)
Review Panel Summary (Closed Session) (GB144)
Discussion, Report Coordination (begin writing), and preparation for Report-out
(Bring in Lunch)
Review Panel Preliminary Report-Out (GC402)
- OAR and GSD Senior Leadership with Review Panel
- Adjourn