NWS Burlington, VT receives NOAA Heritage Grant to install SOS Explorer™

The National Weather Service (NWS) forecast office in Burlington, Vermont has received a NOAA Heritage grant to install the Global Systems Division’s Science On a Sphere - Explorer™ in the Burlington International Airport as part of their 70th-anniversary celebration. The project will expose over a million airport passengers and members of the public per year to NOAA’s heritage and products and services with two interactive displays in the airport walkway adjacent to the NWS office. One display will host the NOAA Science On a Sphere® - Explorer with historical, educational and real-time data sets. The adjacent display will host local, regional, and national weather products and services in a kiosk format. Wall wrap graphics will complement the airport’s other historical graphics.
The NOAA Heritage Program provides internal funding grants to preserve, protect, and promote NOAA’s heritage. Nine projects were selected in 2020 to highlight compelling stories about NOAA and our contributions to communities and science. SOSx is about $5K, SOS is about 200K. These projects help celebrate NOAA’s heritage, organizational culture, diversity, partnerships, and value to the nation.
For more information contact: Susan Cobb 303-497-5093