GSL’s SOS team offers new educational tours on SOS Explorer™ mobile app

The Global Systems Laboratory’s (GSL) Science On a Sphere® (SOS) team has launched educational tours on its free mobile app - SOS Explorer™ (SOSx) including post-tour exercises for students. You can find the tours here:
Science On a Sphere Explorer™ datasets can be quite complex. Tours guide users through a story using science datasets in a way that makes them understandable and more tangible. Tours incorporate supplemental media - images, videos, audio, webpages - as well as text and questions to support user learning.
The Science On a Sphere Explorer™ mobile app tours have been a great collaboration between multiple line offices. For example: "Tour - Monster Saharan Dust Plume" was a collaboration with Atlantic Oceanic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML). The GSL Finite-Volume Cubed Sphere - Chemistry (FV3 Chem) - Saharan Air Layer is another tour that uses a National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) video and GOES imagery provided by the NESDIS Viz Lab.
More tours to come
- GSL: "Tour - HRRR-Smoke Tracks 2020 Fire Air"
- NESDIS: "Tour - Eyes on Earth: Dust, Smoke, and Pollution"
- An SOS team original: "Tour - Did Staying Home Help the Environment?" (a look at the environment during the COVID stay-at-home orders).
Do you have an idea for a tour? Reach out to