GSL advances software visualization and display system for use by forecasters

The Weather Archive and Visualization Environment (WAVE) is an online tool used by NOAA National Weather Service (NWS) forecasters to create consistent, understandable graphics for use in decision support, on social media, and in presentations. WAVE is being developed in partnership with the NWS, and can be accessed with NOAA credentials.
GSL’s WAVE software development team released WAVE version 1.5 on 20 September 2022. This updated version produces images with clear legends and labeling and can customize shareable hyperlinks (API) for social media posts or briefings, saving the forecaster and GSL communications time! With WAVE's data archive access capability, a forecaster can review weather events, a feature not easily available on other NWS systems. The expanded WAVE capabilities can also give more exposure to GSL research and experimental models.
WAVE 1.5 now uses microservices that upgrade performance, generate images faster, and uses less code than its predecessor. This containerized WAVE application runs on virtual systems at GSL and can be pushed to a commercial cloud environment by design. WAVE v1.5 is more easily extensible for future development.
GSL provided the expertise to modernize the WAVE software to make the code cloud-native, and coding practices secure. Team members include Michael Rabellino, Paula McCaslin, Michael Vrencur, Jebb Stewart, and Daniel Nietfeld.