The Common Community Physics Package Unites the Modeling Community

GSD and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) through the Developmental Testbed Center (DTC) announced upgraded tools for the modeling community to experiment with and advance physical parameterizations for numerical weather prediction. The Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) v4.0.0, along with the CCPP Single Column Model (SCM), were released to the public on March 16, 2020, and are designed to engage the broad community in a collaborative model development framework. The CCPP is also used with the NOAA Unified Forecast System (UFS), which was publicly released on March 11, 2020. Congratulations to GSD’s Ligia Bernardet, GSD/CIRES Dom Heinzeller and Man Zhang, and GSD contractor Linlin Pan and other NCAR/DTC collaborators on this accomplishment!
The goal of CCPP is to contain parameterizations used in the NOAA Unified Forecast System (UFS) for short-term weather through seasonal prediction timescales, as well as developmental schemes under consideration for upcoming operational implementations. The CCPP Scientific Documentation describes the suites and their parameterizations in detail. The CCPP framework communicates variables between the physics and the host model and is being implemented in several of the U.S. flagship models as a single, standardized way to interface physics with models of the atmosphere (and other components of the Earth system).
Community collaboration lowers the costs for the development and maintenance of the models. For access to the SCM and CCPP code and documentation, please visit the CCPP website, where you will find a Users’ Guide, a list of known issues, frequently asked questions, technical documentation, and scientific documentation. For information about the UFS, including its use with CCPP, please visit. For questions or comments about the CCPP and the SCM, please contact our helpdesk at When using CCPP with the UFS, you can also direct your questions to the UFS community forum.
For more information contact: Susan Cobb 303-497-5093