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GSL Staff honored with 2020 NOAA Silver Sherman Awards

August 18, 2020


Two GSL staff were honored with a NOAA Silver Sherman Award. The Silver Sherman is awarded on an ad hoc basis by each member of the NOAA Leadership. It recognizes an individual who has performed work above his or her normal requirements, achieved a milestone that contributed significantly toward the attainment of a particular program goal, or demonstrated leadership toward process improvement of a significant magnitude.

Curtis Alexander was honored “for leadership and exceptional cross Line Office collaboration in development, improvement and operational implementation of NOAA convection-allowing weather models and nowcasting capabilities.”

Judy Henderson was honored “for exceptional dedication to NOAA’s mission. Working behind the scenes, Judy provides the technical foundation supporting the development and deployment for many of NOAA’s numerical weather models. Judy’s tenacity in tracking down issues, solving problems, and providing innovative solutions is outstanding. This honor reflects our appreciation for Judy’s extraordinary contribution to GSL.”