Chris Golden for his work developing a user interface for the National Weather Service’s "Hazard Services."
Dr. Craig Tierney for promoting and inspiring excellence and dedication to the science and research performed at CIRES as a "cornerstone of the NOAA High Performance Computing (HPC) team in Boulder." He took on the demanding role of acting High Performance Computing (HPC) Lead, responsible for managing all aspects of NOAA Boulder's HPC resources and representing NOAA Boulder's HPC interests in the midst of a NOAA-wide HPC realignment.
Dr. Steven Peckham for helping to develop and provide support for a complex modeling system known as WRF-Chem, which allows research of extreme relevance to current environmental challenges, especially relating to air quality and global climate change. He has also led tutorials in Boulder and around the world. As a result, the training has made an impact on these regions conducting air quality studies. The model now has many national and international users.